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Start Your Own Tea Practice
is officially back!!

SYOTP is a 22-day course to invite personal tea ceremony practice into your life...but it's so much more.

This is about remembering your true nature.
About learning how to connect with something bigger than you.
And about getting out of your mind and learning to live your life from your HEART.

There's one thing I know for sure, and that's that this course
will change your life.

Are you ready? Then fill out the form below and LET'S GO!

I can't wait to meet you
I can't wait drink tea with you
I can't wait to hold your heart & transform with you
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Start Your Own Tea Practice was so beautiful and it’s something I didn’t even know I was looking for because it was so much deeper than what I ever could’ve expected. Tea feels like an invitation. When I’m looking over at my teaware I hear her whisper, “come over here, be with me…you’re my friend, I want to hang out. We’re in this.” I did not expect the depth that comes with tea. It’s such a gentle space to be held, but the communication that comes through while I’m sitting with tea is so clear & beautiful and perfect. I just trust that feeling so deeply in a way that I don’t get with other practices.

-Alyssa Voelker, @thealamander
There is so much to say and yet I have no words at all. Thank you for this incredibly profound, life changing experience.

-Lenore Black, @lenoreblack_
This course is one that will forever be marked on my journey as a turning point, as a catalyst to my growth. Bringing Tea in my life in this form of ceremony connects me to humanity and the earth undeniably. If you are inviting in more ritual and ceremony into your daily life, this course is for you.

--Kaitlynn Hatzidakis, @kait_wholesun
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